Biotech Awareness Campaign (7) | EBES Bio Agriculture Evolution

In 15th of April 2017, Bio Team Egypt launched the Fourth awareness campaign in our path on the community stage. We were concerning with spreading the concepts of Biotechnology among the Egyptian people at Al-Manial. Our team was so enthusiastic to reach different categories of people seeking to gain priceless knowledge and important statics about the awareness level on the ground. This edition witnessed a diverse participation from a wide category of audience. Bio Team Decides to aware The Egyptian Community about Bio Agriculture Evolution as an important field of Biotech application. In the same time of EBES 2017 Seminar.

About Us

Bio Team Egypt
We are Egyptian activists in the field of Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship awareness. Researchers, engineers and undergrad students from divers Egyptian universities and institutions. One target has collected us, is to create an Egyptian scientific community which is specialized into Biotechnology.

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