Dr. Rehab Abdallah

Dr. Rehab Abdallah

• Dr. Rehab Abdallah

Postdoctoral fellow at the American University in Cairo and Guest scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Assistant Professor at the American University in Cairo

Dr. Rehab Abdallah is a scientist with strong international experience in the field of Microbiology,  Microbial Ecolog, microbial biogeochemistry, and applied bioinformatics. In 2014, she received the International Max Planck Research School Ph.D. fellowship from the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, she was then awarded her doctorate degree in 2018.  She received her BSc in Biotechnology (2008) from Montana State University and her MSc from The American University in Cairo (2012). Currently, Dr. Abdallah holds a post-doctoral position at the American University in Cairo and a Guest Scientist position at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology. Dr. Rehab main research interest is the microbial ecology of marine ecosystems and hypersaline lakes and the possible biotechnological application that could rise from the microbial communities striving in these environments. As well as the effect of environmental stressors on paddy soil microbial communities.

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Bio Team Egypt
We are Egyptian activists in the field of Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship awareness. Researchers, engineers and undergrad students from divers Egyptian universities and institutions. One target has collected us, is to create an Egyptian scientific community which is specialized into Biotechnology.

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